Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursdays - I love it when...

My daughter is on her way to school with Valentines in hand and a big pink heart on her shirt. She is going to have a fun party at her school with healthy snacks and fun times with her friends and teachers. I am usually not a big fan of Valentines Day... it seems very contrived and a holiday. But this year for some reason I can appreciate it because I am feeling so much LOVE for my life.

I am thankful this Thursday for love and because of that my post this Thursday talks about the things I love in my life...

I love ...
1. When Billy gives me one of his signature hugs. He is the worlds best hug giver. EVER.
2. When we get to spend together as a family.
3. When I make Gracie laugh hard at something silly.
4. When Toby tells me that I am the best cook in the whole wide world.
5. When my kitchen is clean and I have laundry complete.
6. When my kids are all tucked in and sleeping and BK and I can talk and laugh.
7. When we have a family trip planned.
8. To read my Bible and have it stir in my heart something big.
9. My Dad's ability to accomplish anything he puts his mind to.
10. When I watch my Mom love on her grandkids
11. My brothers... all three of them, make me laugh and understand me very well.
12. When I hear a great song and how it makes me feel.
13. When The sun shines on my face and the stars light up the sky.
14. My job and what it provides for me and my family. It is a blessing.
15. Toby's constant love and snuggles. His sensitive soft side.
16. The life inside of me. It is a gift and a blessing and gives me great joy.
17. Deer or elk pass through our yard...
18. When I get to go to our home group.
19. When I am challenged.
20. My church and my pastors.

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