Saturday, December 6, 2008

Living with Glory and Hope...

Last night, my awesome friend Meghan spoke at our women's ministry Christmas party. She spoke about how we have this glory and hope inside of us because of Jesus Christ. Because he died on the cross and because I live to seek a deeper relationship with him I have it. It is part of the deal when you begin your friendship and spiritual walk with the Lord. I have been moved by my friend and pastor Linn Saunders since I moved here three years ago. (see her blog at They are passionate and self proclaimed adoption addicts. :) What I love about this addiction they have is that they blow all preconceived notions about adoption and orphans out of the water. They tell you point blank... you will not regret helping children who in most cases have not known the love of a parent or family. Can you imagine? Family is so important and so vital so so much of life. These kids did not CHOSE to be orphans. They have no options, but to sit and wait and pray that their "Mom and Dad" come and get them. Dwight and Linn have adopted a lot of children and plan to adopt more. They are in their 50's and know the life they could give a child is more important than any trip they could take to Bora Bora, any bling they could throw around their necks, any fancy cars or whatever.

As I read their blog... I think about my life. I am approaching 40 years old. How am I going to spend the rest of my life? Am I going to spend it worrying about what I have to have and what I don't have? Am I going to spend it worrying about my wants and spend my money to get myself more and more "stuff?" And when I get to heaven and I stand before my Lord and Savior, what will I have to show for this awesome life he has given me? How did I give to others? Did I truly see people around me and their needs? Did I look into the eyes of a child with no Mom or Dad and say... "I'm sorry... I'm too busy or too broke or too worried about a life that looks "perfect?" I sure hope not.

I love kids, I love my own kids, I am one big kid. I see the pain in some kids eyes when they are only 6-12 years old. I've seen high school kids think they are worthless? Can I make a difference now? As I approach 40? Will I give generously and find needs and teach my kids about giving? I sure hope so. Because I think living with Hope and Glory means you are empowered... no matter what your circumstances or emotions tell you... to step out, take risks, see the need and go after it. I am praying that God just blast me off into the stratosphere with this next phase of my life. That I am living with HIS hope and glory. With which... I can do anything. :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Jen, you're awesome! I am excited to see what the rest of your life holds for you, because you are so free and responsive to God! Anyone can go anywhere as long as they remain teachable before Jesus. Hallelujah! I love you dear are amazing.