I am one of those people who run around doing a lot of things but sometimes lose sight of the important things. I have needed to purchase a battery charger for my digital camera for a long time. It totally is missing and I have looked high and low for it. Praying I would find it. (mainly because I did not want to pay for another one). But alas it is gone. So I sucked it up and bought a new battery charger this week. I am so thrilled. I have captured new pics of our precious baby girl. She is hilarious. She is doing new things this week. She yells at the "big kids" when they are all over playing with Play doh at the table. She plays with toys in her height chair and "talks" to them to tell them how it is. She totally cracks me up. She also play with her voice. Yelling loudly just so she can hear it. She wants to touch everyhing. She is especially enamoured with little tags on her stuffed toys. Her little fingers try to grasp it...usually with her tongue poking out while she concentrates really hard. Joy. Pure Joy.
Well, here are some recent pics of our precious "monkey". She has obtained that nick name. I think it's because she smiles when I say the word... the sound of the word makes her smile. I will also be taking video at some point. I pray I can figure out how to upload a video.
Love you all. Peace to you this new year! lv, jen
PS - The massive amounts of drool in each picture are just an indication of how much she loves the teeth hiding just below her gums... waiting to burst forth!;)
Oh,Jen...she.is.beautiful. Those eyes!
Glad your camera is up and working! Enjoy the cold weather your way too friend!
Keep up keepin up! I enjoy you sharing all your moments and your unlimited faith. I miss you, MD
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