Monday, August 10, 2009

Frumpy McFrumperson

Excuse me while I whine for a moment...

I feel gross. Four weeks after the birth of my baby girl... and I feel yuck. You know what I mean? My nursing bra's are tight, my "regular" pants don't fit well enough to wear them. Some of my maternity pants fit me and some of the maternity pants are just WAY too big.

Some days I shower, some days I don't. I love wearing pajamas. My nails have not been painted in a long time. My feet are dry and cracked... (is this TMI?) In have his new dark hair color that I'm not digging that much. I mostly smell like baby shampoo (which smells good) or some days spit up (does not smell good). Today I was running my fingers through my hair and my fingers got stuck at this one point... I realized Josie probably was trying to eat my hair or spit up in it... nice... and ewww.

BK is very supportive. He tells me all the time that I am pretty... but I just don't FEEL so cute lately. My "too tight" nursing bra's have this way of making me feel super frumpy. Then throw a nursing pad in there to make sure I don't leak all over my clothes and it's just adds to the ewww of it all. I am not complaining. I am just stating the facts. I am now in the season of Frumpy McFrumperson. I can't wait to put on a pair of regular jeans, be a well kept, NON sleep deprived Mama. That day will come.

Josie is up right now, cooing, grunting and being adored by her brother and sister. I look at her and KNOW that this season is worth it. Taking care of her and my kids brings me more joy than anything. So I think I can make it through this "awkward" stage. I've done it before I'll do it again. But in the meantime I'd like some "cheese" to go with my whine ;)


Miss. Jinny said...

I hear you clucking! I don't know how you feel but I am listening! Here is my plan I am coming over Thursday and painting your nails and giving you a pedi .... now I am not a nail tech but I will do my best! :) And yes you are going to have to get over the fact that I will be touching your feet! That is what sisters are for! :) I am totally being serious so I will see you at your house around 11 am! Love you! :)

Andy and Cari said...

Tell me when you say goodbye to miss Frumperson...She is still hanging around here...

Jill said...

So have fun with Jinny picking out your toe jam and painting your piggies...

Sister friend, you look gorgeous! I can't believe how quickly you look like you're getting into your skinny jeans :) I know the feeling though of nothing fitting right. I remember the "fat frumpy" feeling. Nothing fits, my chest is leaking buckets, I'm happy if I get dressed and even happier if I showered.

My friend, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It will come soon enough. You'll be back and hotter then ever. Hang in there!

Michy said...

I have never had a bra be tight in my life. I think I would rejoice! :o)

Jeanette Hohnke said...

These days will pass way too quickly and they will be great memories of your time with Josie.

Megan said...

Hang in there girl! I remember being there not too long ago with Sadie and now here I am on the other side! You will get through this! Miss you and your precious family!!